Competitive Analysis

Gain powerful insights into your direct competitors and discover prime positioning opportunities that help you stand apart.

Competitive Analysis

Gain powerful insights into your direct competitors and discover prime positioning opportunities that help you stand apart. Through our wholly original approach to competitor analysis in higher education marketing, we place ourselves in the position of a student, evaluating your competitor schools’ primary campaigns and marketing messages to reveal what they are saying and how effectively they are saying it. From websites and social media presence to print and video campaigns, we analyze the communication channels most responsible for shaping prospective student perception and engagement. Summary observations and insights include:

Personality, Tone, + Style

Rise above the noise with our proprietary personality analysis. We uncover the quality of your college or university’s current brand storytelling and empower you to better express your narrative.

Channel Trends + Traps

We analyze multiple platforms to reveal channel-specific trends and traps and equip you to avoid common pitfalls across your own.

Market Opportunity

We identify where an unclaimed marketing opportunity exists and how to evolve your position and reshape your campaigns to claim it.

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